Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Plan - sorta..

So, I am still obsessing about this race and what I need to do to get ready for training.  I've been laying off of the biking and running since the Door County Half Ironman in July. I got the part for my trainer, just need to change it..  I would like to do a lot of spinervals workouts to increase my bike fitness.  I also will just do long spins with high rpm's.  I am going to start training with a heart rate monitor.  I think that should help my running as I am always focused on how fast my pace is.  I have to get used to looking at a different number.  Swimming - my half swim time was 32 minutes and change.  That puts me just in the chaotic 1:05 to 1:10 range for the ironman swim.  From all accounts that I have read - this is the brutal area.  I think if I drop a few pounds, it might just be enough to get me just ahead of this group.  My plan now is to start in the front, wide right.  I REALLY worry about the contact and I have learned that seeding myself too far back is usually my downfall.  I think I may sign up for the elite swim wave at the Door county Half this next summer to help me in a crowd.  I'm usually one of the fastest in my wave and often catch waves in front of me.  I realize that Ironman is a whole different animal.  2500 participants this year!  UGH!  I realize several of you are wondering if I need to lose weight - trust me -- there are 5 or 10 pounds that I won't miss.  I know this can impact my swim fitness - it's happened before.  A significant difference.  Like 1 minute per 500.  SO - I am going to start my self-imposed detox next week.  Why not now??  My dad is getting married this weekend, so I will reserve the right to have the cake.  And a drink (maybe 2 or 3).  Maybe even a latte.  But the plan is to avoid sugar, alcohol, and caffeine.  I don't know if I will do the whole no gluten no animal products also.  Rob does a fair share of the cooking and I hate to restrict him.  Actually, he refused to cook the last time I did the extreme diet.  I won't likely stay off of gluten and meat, so why give them up completely.  I hope to avoid sweets and caffeine for the long-term.  I'm going to make my sister do it too.  Then I know that if I pick it up, I will remember that she is sacrificing too.  I hope to start running before the snow flies, so I am having my orthotics adjusted next week and finally getting new shoes.  I miss running.  I think the dog does too.  He hasn't said as much, but the crazy laps in the living room where he vaults over the couch might be a sign. I actually did run this morning as we are at my mother-in-law's house and Ozzie needed to get some energy out.  I don't think their 8 year old black lab especially cares for not quite 2 yr old Ozzie.  I don't care for him either today!  He is a big pain in the butt sometimes.  Feet and knee are sore.  Could be the heels I've been wearing.  Anyways, thought I would finish the post I started on Thursday.  Trying to get all of the obsessive thoughts all out so I don't completely freak out!  Happy Weekend!


Team Brazo said...

RE: But the plan is to avoid sugar, alcohol, and caffeine.

Damn, I don't do the alcohol - but I run IronMan's so that I can eat all the sugar and caffeine that I want. I don't drink coffee, but during my 2007 IMWI - I started drinking fountain drinks for my recovery drink - now it is my vice (and the only reason that I did not DNF IMKY 2008).

Wendy said...

I think avoiding the sugar might take off the last few pounds! :) I either have IRON willpower when I avoid all - or no willpower when I decide to eat sugary treats here and there. Caffeine - I am tired of the heart racing. I LOVE my lattes - they will likely be the hardest thing to purge, actually. I told Rob that with the 1st sip I feel like it is what heroine must feel like coursing through the veins. He didn't understand. Alcohol - usually I don't partake. I'm not a big soda drinker at all. I do LOVE coke after a big endurance effort. I am planning on it being available in all events next year!