Sunday, June 12, 2011

Capitol View Race Report, etc.

So - raced again today.  Only my 2nd attempt at the Olympic Distance.  The 1st was back in 2008.  Rob's original "throwdown" with me.  I've been running for the past 15 years or so.  I'm a swimmer by nature.  Rob is a great biker - he just didn't really do much in the way of exercise for a long time.  BUT - he would always joke that he could beat me in a triathlon.  Bigfoot Olympic Distance - he decided that would be our "race".  I won - of course :)  That was not an easy course, but not as hard as Capitol View.  I had a 2:56:xx then.  I didn't have really any time goals today.  In fact, I had to look up my Bigfoot time this afternoon to make sure I had a PR.  I just wanted to be relaxed and have fun.  I succeeded on all fronts.  I enjoy triathlon - and I really had a good time today (except when the 4 girls in my age group went by me on the bike).

The swim.  I am a good swimmer.  Having done several tri's now, I can say this.  I also am confident in the water.  I make sure I get in the front.  I'm pretty certain that I'm one of the best everytime I get in the water - some day I will get this handed to me (like Thursday at Aquathon).  But really.  They said "go" and after 6 strokes - I saw no one.  I was in the 2nd to last wave.  I passed several people in the wave ahead of me and several men also.  They were several waves ahead of me.  I was 1st in my age group in the swim.  The water was clear - which has NEVER happened in Lake Mendota before.  I have swam 3 tri's and 5 aquathons in the past 3 years in this lake.  Best swim ever for me.  Had fun.  Felt good.

T1 - slower than I'd care for, but not bad.  Got out of the wetsuit okay.  Should have re-applied sunscreen.

Bike - I swear I had a flat tire for the 1st 10 miles.  Legs just felt heavy.  The ride in though felt good.  I got passed by a bunch of dudes and 6 women.  I ended up passing 1 back on the way in and 2 on the run.  Unfortunately, 4 of the 6 were in my age group (40-44).  I did get past 1 of them on the run, but not 2 for an age group award :( 

T2 - not bad.  I don't think I could have been faster, actually.  But I still rank pretty slow.

Run - this course is brutal.  Trail run and hilly.  Lots of ups and it doesn't seem like there are as many downs, which doesn't make sense - but trust me -- that's what it feels like.  I found that I disliked the Ironman
Perform that they had on the course.  I either have to train my tummy to like it or I have to figure out what to do during IM as that is what is on the course.  I had a good run.  Actually - this felt the best since I had surgery!  No ankle pain.  I got passed by one fast chick who was many years older.  She was loud with her breathing.  It probably took her 2 minutes to actually get past me.  I was actually glad she went by.  I passed A LOT of people.  That felt good. 

Overall - a 6 minute PR and I really had fun.  I hope the pictures show it. 

Things I realized in the last few weeks of training:

1.  When you see pretty houses on a hill - that does not mean good things are ahead for me on the bike.  I am probably about to climb those hills. 

2.  It is very important to have a well-oiled chain.

3.  If your chain is not well-oiled and you have problems shifting while going uphill -  you are probably going to drop your chain.

4.  If you drop your chain while going uphill and quickly unclip one foot - you are likely going to fall to the opposite side.

5.  Falling while basically not moving - still hurts.

6.  Big Trucks pulling Big Boats/Trailers etc - think they own the road and they are not afraid to tell you by blaring their horns at you.

7.  I'm glad I don't live in Cross Plains  -- no offense to anyone reading this from Cross Plains, but I have never liked your Culver's and I now really don't like your Kwik Trip either.  Seems the dregs of society are found at either location. 

8.  My bike fitness is not where I want it to be.  We are going to be forced to have a working relationship this summer.

9.  I am addicted to caffeine.  I need a treatment program.  Help.

10.  Just because you train a ton - doesn't mean you will lose weight : (  Of course - concrete mixers are probably not good for recovery calories.  Probably not a large Latte Miel either, but both tasted good!
That's all for now.  Aquathon this week - I wimped out last month due to water temp and volunteered instead.  Also have HHH next week.  Rob laughs at me when I talk about it.  We'll see if I survive.

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