Tuesday, March 15, 2011

ABC's of Me

Stolen from my husband's blog:

(A) Age: 39
(B) Bed Size: King
(C) Chore You Really Dislike: picking up. I always feel like there is a better way to organize my house -- there apparently is not.
(D) Dogs: Ozzie - an adorable, spazzy vizsla who drives me insane.
(E) Essential Start Your Day Item: A shower - I do skip on occasion and it never feels quite right

(F) Favorite Color: pink - preferably hot
(G) Gold or Silver? hmm - I think I enjoy silver more now than gold, but I wouldn't trade my wedding rings.
(H) Height: 5'2" - and 1/2!
(I) Instruments You Play: If forced, I could probably remember how to play the flute.
(J) Job Title: Audiologist
(K) Kids: Patrick - 9 1/2 and Melanie - almost 7
(L) Live: Stoughton, WI
(M) Mom's Name: Linda
(N) Nicknames: Wendy, Gwen, G, Wendell
(O) Overnight Hospital Stays? when both kids were born
(P) Pet Peeve: people who don't apologize for being late - heck I can be late at times; being lied to
(Q) Quote from a Movie: hmm - drawing a blank.  I do like many quotes from "Forrest Gump" -- particularly - "I felt like run-ning"

(R) Right or Left Handed? Right
(S) Siblings: 1 sister - Jenny and 1 brother - Nick
(T) Time You Wake Up? the 1st time -- between 4:45 and 5:00
(U) Underwear: apparently anything but a thong is grandma panties -- so I guess I wear grannie panties -- usually
(V) Vegetable You Dislike: eggplant
(W) What Makes You Run Late: kids
(X) X-Rays: foot, knee, chest, sinus, abdomen, teeth -- that might be all
(Y) Yummy Food You Make: Depends on who you ask. I especially like this brussel sprout/chicken dish that I make -- that I stole from Deanna -- but I think I am the only one who likes it.  My kids would probably say tater tot casserole.  I don't think Rob really cares for my cooking much
(Z) Zoo Animal Favorites: orangutans and polar bears and penguins

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really, brussel sprouts? I didn't think I knew anyone under the age of 60 who likes brussel sprouts!