Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Trying to achieve Calmness

So - how are things 1 week later?  I'm still obsessive.  I'm not freaking out as much.  I had several occurences last week of an extreme desire to drop out when I admitted to someone that I did indeed sign up for the great race.  Monday, I received my email from Ironman to complete the registration process.  I'm done.  I couldn't back out anyway but now I am officially signed up.  I have 6 weeks left to go on my P90x.  I've been swimming twice a week.  No running and no biking.  Life gets in the way, and frankly, my feet hurt.  I am thinking I may give them a rest for a couple of months as I know that training will bring back my issues.  Oh - and Rob put aerobars on my bike.  Perhaps I should try them out so that if I dump it and break something, I can heal up in plenty of time!

I'm not really doing very good on the cutting out the crap part of my plan.  I have reduced my latte consumption to a couple a week instead of daily.  I do often give in when there is a dessert nearby.  I DID grab 3 hershey kisses last night and after eating one - put the other 2 back.  It's progress.  I did do a cleanse last winter, and felt GREAT afterwards.  I kept up the no sugar part of it for a long time.  Perhaps I need to revisit this strategy.

I think I have a 2010 race plan also.  I think I will do the aquathon series in Madison again, although it will likely mean I miss some of Patrick's baseball games (sad to think about summer schedules already).  I will likely register for the Horrible Hilly Hundred bike race in Blue Mounds.  A bunch of us are planning on going up to Door County for the 1/2 Ironman in July already.  I will do the Madison Open Water Swim - it usually is the same weekend as the training plan's peak mileage, so I will do it with the intent of doing the IM bike afterwards.  I will probably do the J-Hawk Earlybird sprint in Whitewater in April.  Perhaps the Capitol View Olympic in June.  I debate whether to do Syttende Mai, but I am not sure doing something so long so early in the season makes sense.  (I just have a new goal to beat as Rob beat my time in May.)  I think I need to practice doing some shorter runs with a heartrate monitor so I can learn how to dial it back a bit.  I tend to go balls to the wall when I run and have not learned a thing about pacing.  Maybe this strategy isn't too bad for Ironman though either. After all, I will eventually hit a wall, might as well have as much under my belt as possible.  Or do I hit the wall quicker?  Things to ponder...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What the HELL have I DONE?????

So.  It's one day since I signed up for Ironman. What was I thinking?  I obsess about it already.  I picture the race - what I will do for pace, etc.  I haven't really biked or ran since my 1/2 Ironman in July!  What makes me think I can do this race?  I decided to blog because it will really help me sort my thoughts - get advice from others (since I don't listen to what my husband says - according to him), and it is nice to read about Rob's journey still, even though it's been over a year.  I wanted to do something permanent.  Something more that just logging my workouts on beginner triathlete or writing in my notebook.  I also am held accountable to someone - hopefully - if anyone reads this.  I won't pretend to be a writer.  I'm also told I am not as funny as my husband.  I also babble.  So, I apologize in advance. 

I thought I'd introduce you to my history.  I have always been pretty active.  I swam in high school and one year in college.  I hated running for swim team.  I definitely skimped on weights.  Once I graduated college, I had to wait a semester to start my master's degree program.  I had no life, so I started working out at the Y.  It was there that I decided to run a little on the treadmill.  I soon began running a 3 mile loop every week.  I took a little time off once I was in grad school as it was tough to balance it all.  Once I had a job/career, I joined a gym again.  Since that time (1996), I have been running - with the exception of injury or pregnancy.  When I was pregnant with my son I ran.  With my daughter, I couldn't.  I desperately wanted to be active.  I did modified pilates.  I tried walking with a group.  It was there I met my friend Jennifer who was also pregnant with child #2.  We were sad souls on that walk.  WAY behind.  Right after this walk, she called me to see if I would want to go for a swim with her at our newly debuted high school pool here in Stoughton.  So we swam the last couple of months of our pregnancies.  And that renewed my love affair with swimming.  Pretty much since then I have been running and swimming.  I used to bike around the lake when we had an apartment in Monona, but not really since 2000.  For some reason, Rob always teased me that because he was a strong biker, he was SURE he could beat me in a triathlon.  This was a running joke between us for many years.  It was REALLY a joke to me because he didn't run or swim.  And actually, he didn't bike anymore either.  He really didn't strike me as wanting to.  We saw a program on ESPN in September of 2006 where a drug addict turned his life around and does Ironman competitions.  Helps others kick their habits too.  Rob thought that if drug addicts could do Ironman - so could he.  I laughed.  I didn't NOT believe in him.  He just doesn't do things he doesn't really want to do.  I thought he'd run a little, swim a little and decide they suck and maybe start biking more.  I told him then that if he did an Ironman, I would do one.  Well, it seems the joke is on me.  He originally decided to get in shape for 2 years and train for IMWI '10.  I said that I would then do it in '11.  At some point he changed his mind to do it in '09.  He signed me up for the Big Foot Olympic Distance in June '08.  Claiming we would see who could beat who.  Our "joke" challenge was going to become a reality.  I have to thank him for doing this.  I have really enjoyed triathlon.  We did 3 triathlons together that year (I think).  He beat me in 1.  It was my 1st open water swim.  I freaked out a little.  I did NOT like the contact!  It was a fun year. 

For 2009, I let Rob do his training.  I didn't do much biking at all.  We did the Aquathon Series in Madison, which was a lot of fun.  I did a marathon when IMWI was over.  Rob did great, and I am proud of him.  Because of my long history of being active, and my competitiveness, I just can't let it sit that he did it and I haven't.  The kids think I can't do it.  Dad is an Ironman, not mom.  I did my 1st 1/2 Ironman this summer and I find myself saying "Well, it was JUST a 1/2".  I had a great race and I was THRILLED with my time.  It was mentally hard - not so much physically (besides the stupid bluff on the run!).  Who puts a bluff at 9.5 miles of a 1/2 Ironman?  Apparently, Door county....  Anyways, I thought that was it.  I would drift back to shorter races.  But, I started looking at different Ironman races.  I really didn't want to lose my summer to training.  I like doing things with the kids.  I didn't want to sacrifice that.  After all, I was a Ironman widow last year.  I know what is in store for my family.  I decided to not do it last week.  Rob talked me back  into it.  He claims on BT that someone commented on my hair and I changed my mind (he apparently thinks that I only listen to what others tell me and I am chronically indecisive).  He really thinks that if I don't do it, I will regret it.  I'm not sure my bad feet are up for another marathon, but they have been bad for a few years now, they aren't going to get better.  So, I had it all set up that I COULD sign up.  I volunteered.  I took the morning off.  I went to Monona Terrace and got in line.  I chatted with 3 people for the 2 1/2 hours that I was there.  I still wasn't 100% sure I would go through with it when I got up there.  Had I not chatted with those 3 other "1st timers", I don't know if I would have.  BUT - the excitement caught up with me and here I am. 

Besides general training, these are my concerns:

1. I need to get over the mass swim start.  That freaks me out.  I am a swimmer 1st.  I like my side of the lane with the line on the bottom.  I don't mind a little bump here and there - I do not like full on body blows and being dunked. 

2. I need to get stronger on the bike.  Significantly so.  Which means I need to make sure my trainer is working before winter.  I should probably actually start biking again outdoors while I still can.  I plan on riding the course as much as I can next year during training.

3. Running - I'm good.  I just need to follow a plan and keep in tune with my feet.  I have plantar fasciitis. I have done many different shoes and orthotic combinations.  I tend to start feeling it over 12 miles.  We'll see if I can fix it somewhat before spring. 

4. Nutrition.  When I just did running races, my nutrition was HORRIBLE!  I felt good in my marathon last year.  The 1/2 Iron was okay.  Stomach a little upset with clif bloks on the run, but I stopped immediately and switched to gatorade/water.  No solids on the bike.  I need to figure that out that whole solids vs. liquids. 

5. I am currently trying to cut crap out of my diet - because I want to anyways.  I am also doing P90X.  I wanted something extreme to help my strength and flexibility.  It is HARD!  But, hopefully it helps.  I don't know that strength training while Ironman training makes sense, but that is another thing I need to figure out. 

So, I think that is all for now.  I'm sure when I go to preview this post, it will be the longest ever written.  I'll try to keep it shorter in the future.  Thanks for reading - and welcome to my journey....